Nicholas Rubright - Tech Research Online Knowledge Base for IT Pros Mon, 26 Jun 2023 11:59:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nicholas Rubright - Tech Research Online 32 32 11 Best Examples of How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Used in Everyday Life Thu, 24 Jun 2021 16:34:16 +0000 Introduction The implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and the role it can play in influencing our future are being debated around the tech community. However, AI has been in use for quite some time, and it has a wider range of applications than you might think. From reading emails to getting driving directions, we’re using AI in every aspect of our lives. In this post, we’ll explore some of the best examples of how AI is impacting our day-to-day activities. 1. AI in Smartphones Whether you know it or not, your smartphone incorporates a lot of features that use AI. From built-in smart voice assistants to the portrait mode in the smartphone camera, AI is influencing our lives on a daily basis. The integration of AI into smartphones has made it possible for major manufacturers like Huawei and Qualcomm to produce chips with built-in AI capabilities. Features such as scene detection and mixed reality elements have all been given a new life thanks to intelligent AI algorithms. It’s not just apps that are gaining from this trend; even more impressive is how Apple Siri shortcuts on iOS 12 or Android Pie’s adaptive battery work. They both rely heavily on machine …

The post 11 Best Examples of How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Used in Everyday Life appeared first on Tech Research Online.


The implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and the role it can play in influencing our future are being debated around the tech community. However, AI has been in use for quite some time, and it has a wider range of applications than you might think.

From reading emails to getting driving directions, we’re using AI in every aspect of our lives. In this post, we’ll explore some of the best examples of how AI is impacting our day-to-day activities.

1. AI in Smartphones

AI in smartphone

Whether you know it or not, your smartphone incorporates a lot of features that use AI. From built-in smart voice assistants to the portrait mode in the smartphone camera, AI is influencing our lives on a daily basis.

The integration of AI into smartphones has made it possible for major manufacturers like Huawei and Qualcomm to produce chips with built-in AI capabilities. Features such as scene detection and mixed reality elements have all been given a new life thanks to intelligent AI algorithms.

It’s not just apps that are gaining from this trend; even more impressive is how Apple Siri shortcuts on iOS 12 or Android Pie’s adaptive battery work. They both rely heavily on machine learning models powered by neural networks to give you quick suggestions based on your past behavior within those respective ecosystems.

2. Navigation and the Travel Industry

Navigation and the Travel Industry

Navigation services are made possible by artificial intelligence (AI). These services use data to provide accurate routes and traffic information so drivers can avoid delays and get where they need to go in time. The same technology is also used in self-driving cars, which will soon be on the roads for us all to enjoy.

The Google Maps app, for instance, is a helpful and efficient tool for those who are unfamiliar with their surroundings. It utilizes AI to analyze the information it receives, providing you with live traffic updates to help guide your commute more easily than before. It also provides up-to-date public transit schedules that show how long your journey will take so you can plan accordingly.

3. Smart Home Appliances

Smart Home Appliances

AI has been used to develop a range of smart home products that can help make your life easier. From voice assistants like Alexa and Bixby to smart home devices such as Nest Thermostat or Philips Hue light bulbs, there’s something for everyone.

Similarly, AI is being used in smart home devices that are able to automatically adjust the temperature and apps that can switch lights on and off depending on the human presence or the time of day. These are just a few ways in which AI has been employed for making our living spaces more convenient.

4. Banking and Finance


Banks have started to use machine learning algorithms in their mobile apps. This means your banking app will be able to recognize your handwriting, which saves you the hassle of having to type out a check. The banks also use AI for fraudulent activity detection, so they can tell if someone is trying to steal from you.

Also, AI helps banks to better understand customers by detecting their preferences and financial needs. When you receive a notification from your bank about any transactions conducted on new devices, know that AI was involved.

5. Recommendation Systems

With AI-powered recommendation systems, online retailers are able to offer personalized product suggestions that are tailored specifically to your tastes and needs. It can help retailers like Amazon personalize their offerings based on what they know about your habits. And that means more relevant recommendations tailored just for you!

Behind Facebook’s recommendation system are a robust AI and ML implementation that enables features like newsfeed personalization and recognizing friends from their photos. They have also introduced a groundbreaking solution for their users who are at risk of self-harm.

As time goes on, your YouTube recommendations and music app suggested playlists become increasingly relevant to you. This is because AI tracks the videos and songs that are most popular with you so it can recommend new ones from there.

6. Autonomous Cars and Drones

Self-driving cars are the future of transportation. These cars use artificial intelligence (AI )to make decisions and adjustments on the fly, which means they can react faster than humans in unpredictable situations. This new technology will save lives by reducing accidents caused by human error — making traveling safer than ever before.

The idea of having products delivered by drone may seem far-fetched and futuristic, but it’s already happening. Amazon and Walmart are developing these programs and we’ll see their delivery drones in action soon. Plus, militaries all over the world have been using drones successfully for years.

7. Improved Security and Surveillance

The use of AI in surveillance is on the rise. With numerous cameras installed in a security and surveillance network, it’s difficult to monitor all of them manually. AI can help by monitoring and analyzing video feeds from these cameras 24/7, which means humans don’t have to spend their time doing this tedious task anymore.

You could be walking down the street and your face would show up on a monitor in one of those security camera boxes. The AI is monitoring all feeds, analyzing every person’s features to find any criminal activity or suspicious behaviors even before they happen.

8. Email Communication

Do you get a lot of spam in your inbox? Google has employed AI to ensure that nearly all of the email messages landing in your inbox are authentic. Similarly, with new AI-enabled features like Smart Reply, Gmail helps save time by suggesting responses for common messages so you can send a follow-up email quickly without typing a single word.

Moreover, Google’s AI has made our life so much easier with its smart categorizing feature. The Primary folder is now where we can find work-related messages from co-workers or clients, while Social folders are for updates about friends’ status or even photos.

9. Healthcare

artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare is a new way of looking at the diagnosis and treatment of disease. AI has given doctors and other medical professionals access to more information than ever before and opened new dimensions in healthcare.

With the introduction of AI-powered machines, it’s become much easier to detect disease and diagnose patients with accuracy that was previously unheard of in the world of medicine.

One example is Buoy Health, an AI-assisted chatbot that uses algorithms to diagnose illnesses. The AI-based symptom checker listens to the patient’s symptoms, then guides them to the correct care based on its diagnosis.

Similarly, Enlitic uses deep learning techniques to improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses. AI algorithms analyze unstructured radiology data, blood tests, and other health information like genomics or patient history to help doctors make more accurate decisions in real-time about their patient’s needs for care.

10. Video Games

AI in video games allows for more intelligent and realistic characters. With this new technology, players can, for example, expect smarter enemies who are able to react dynamically to their surroundings. They can be programmed with different personalities and behaviors so they don’t all act the same way when faced with certain situations. This means that every encounter will feel unique — just like in real life.

AI has become a common term in the gaming world. For example, in Need for Speed, AI controls gameplay elements like traffic, Civilization uses it to control parts of the map and other aspects that involve strategy, and Counter-Strike relies on artificial intelligence to handle things like bots or computer-controlled opponents who try their best at defending themselves against your attack.

VPNs are also harnessing AI to improve security, so when you choose your best VPN for gaming or other online activities, you can enjoy enhanced protection.

11. Workplace Tools

AI is revolutionizing the workplace with tools and systems that improve productivity. Whether you’re a journalist writing a news article and looking for an AI-powered grammar checker for your next piece, or an HR professional dealing with employee legality issues in need of a proper whistleblowing system AI is making workflows more efficient. 

AI tools handle simple, repetitive tasks across an organization – an excellent way to cut down on wasted time and increase overall productivity. Employees can use their energy for more complex work such as critical thinking and problem-solving.

For example, having a chatbot eliminates the need for a customer service employee to tend to repeat questions or problems. Instead, the AI tool identifies the more tedious tasks so that employees can focus on those needing human touch.

Author Bio:

Nicholas Rubright is a digital marketing specialist and writer for CyberWaters. In his free time, Nicholas enjoys playing guitar, writing music, and building cool things on the internet.


The post 11 Best Examples of How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Is Used in Everyday Life appeared first on Tech Research Online.

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